The sign says “it is all about Jesus,” but

The sign says that it is all about Jesus, but do they teach the doctrine of Jesus? Just as it was in the past, so it is now. People will say “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,” but their teaching will be the doctrines of men taught as if it was a command of God. Matthew 15:8-9 8 … More The sign says “it is all about Jesus,” but

What’s the difference between Christian and Christian?

What’s the difference between a person who got saved yesterday and one who got saved ten years ago? What’s the difference between the preacher and one who sings in the choir? What’s the difference between one who wears a suit and one who wears jeans to church? What’s the difference between Christian and Christian? If … More What’s the difference between Christian and Christian?

What you should know about differences in the church.

What you should know about differences in the church. By Alan Ballou. There will always be differences inside the church. Check the verse below. The question is whether or not there is a method to handle the faction (division) within the church, just in case the difference is to show who is approved by God, … More What you should know about differences in the church.